Another Potential Lawsuit Coming

TBS has received word that a former city employee has filed another complaint with the Department of Workforce Development.

A loyal and committed employee of 28 years with zero discipline issues was forced to decide between retirement, resigning, or being terminated by former H.R. Director Adam Westbrook.

What would cause such an extreme response from the City of Sheboygan towards a loyal and committed employee? 


This long-term loyal employee attended the presentations of the city administrator finalists. The final presentations that you, as a taxpayer, were not allowed to attend were only open to city employees, as detailed in an email from Westbrook to all city employees.

At this, city employees were asked to fill out a questionnaire that would provide feedback to the common council. The photo details what this former employee submitted.

The following information is alleged in the Department of Workforce Development complaint.

This employee was told they would need to meet with Westbrook, and the meeting occurred. In the meeting, Westbrook asked the employee if that was their form. The answer was yes. Westbrook then told the employee that they were unprofessional and toxic. He informed them that their actions were “basically like you flipping off the council and saying f*ck you.”

After retiring, the employee emailed two members of the Common Council, who stated they were unaware of any of this.

The employee was allegedly given the three options of retirement, resignation, or termination and had to decide in two days.

The employee’s wife was scheduled for a biopsy, and this stress would not help. The choice was retirement, as there was a significant need for health insurance due to the wife’s health issues.

The employee stated that nobody else could do the job and offered to stay on for an extended time to train a replacement. Westbrook said no, and the employee’s last day was one week from the day he submitted a retirement letter.

In an interview with Westbrook, the employee stated that they had been around for 28 years and had seen mayors, department heads, and council members come and “fix” everything, which led to a mess after they moved on to another job. The long-term employees are left to clean up the mess. This employee informed Westbrook that it was exhausting. 

Westbrook said if that’s the case, you should have come to talk to me. The employee said no, that would never happen. I would have a target on my back. Some city employees are worried about retirement and are miserable. They come to work, put their heads down, and hope to make it to retirement.

Westbrook allegedly said that’s not true. 

The employee said yes, it is. 

This is evidence of a culture of fear and intimidation that Westbrook was allowed to force on city employees.

When the former employee asked their supervisor for notes from the meeting with Westbrook, the supervisor responded, “Let me think about that.” According to the complaint, the supervisor then said they would need to ask the City of Sheboygan if they could share that with them and mentioned being an at-will employee. 

The notes were not shared.

This is evidence of a culture of fear and intimidation.

When Westbrook was asked for his notes from the meeting by the employee, Westbrook stated there were no notes.

The employee retired after 28 years of loyal service to the city. There were no previous discipline issues. This was the treatment this employee received from your city while their wife was facing a biopsy.

Questions have been sent to TBS about a lack of proof of a “culture of fear and intimidation.”

The city has approved hiring an outside attorney to handle one Department of Workplace Development complaint regarding an employee who reported to Adam Westbrook and was fired over the phone while attending a conference as a city employee.

They were fired over the phone before they could return home or to work.

This complaint alleges that a 28-year employee was forced to retire or be fired by Westbrook over voicing concerns on a questionnaire. The supervisor refused to provide details due to being an at-will employee.

What more evidence do you need to show a culture of fear and intimidation?

Two pending lawsuits. 

Two attorneys in the City Attorney’s office.

Westbrook cited unwavering support from Assistant Attorney Liz Majerus, both personally and professionally, in his resignation. 

The report that led to the firing of former City Administrator Todd Wolf stated that he “constituted insubordinate and inappropriate comment against citizens, and created possible legal risk for the City, all in violation of numerous City policies.”

The city attorney’s office claimed Todd Wolf created possible legal risk for the City of Sheboygan.

The current city attorney, Chuck Adams, and the assistant city attorney, Liz Majerus, are tasked with limiting the city’s legal risks. 

Is the current City Attorney’s office a legal risk for the city of Sheboygan?

The lawsuits keep coming in. 

These are real. 

The city attorneys should be limiting the legal risk. 

Are they? 

This is a question for current city administrator Casey Bradley to examine. Email him to voice your concerns or questions. 

Is the current city attorney’s office protecting your interest as a taxpayer?

Is there a better, more efficient use of your tax dollars for legal needs?

Should we eliminate the city attorney’s office?

Ask Casey, send him an email today:

Take Back Sheboygan County knows that many former and current City employees have been reluctant to share their stories for fear of retaliation. If you are one of these, we welcome you to contact us. Your name will not be shared without permission. You can contact us at

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